Project: Social Room
Categories: Retail
Size: 180 sqm
Location: Beijing
Timeline: 2020-2021
Status: Completed
Behind the Hong Kong-style sugar cane shop front is a cozy and intimate hidden bar. The signature green floor tile reminiscent the old 70s-80s era which contrasts with the art filled contemporary space behind the entrance. Artwork is curated carefully to fit into different spaces and rooms. The brand element is also implemented throughout the interior.
Categories: Retail
Size: 180 sqm
Location: Beijing
Timeline: 2020-2021
Status: Completed
Behind the Hong Kong-style sugar cane shop front is a cozy and intimate hidden bar. The signature green floor tile reminiscent the old 70s-80s era which contrasts with the art filled contemporary space behind the entrance. Artwork is curated carefully to fit into different spaces and rooms. The brand element is also implemented throughout the interior.